In Review

In this tutorial, you have learned the following:

Further Study

Try doing these things with the given programs.

  • When we used model space-based lighting computations, we had to perform an inverse on our matrix from the matrix stack to transform the light position from camera space to model space. However, it would be entirely possible to simply build an inverse matrix at the same time we build a regular matrix on our matrix stack. The inverse of a rotation matrix is just the rotation matrix with a negated angle; the inverse of a scale is just the multiplicative inverse of the scales, and the inverse of the translation is the negation of the translation vector.

    To do this, you will need to modify the MatrixStack class in a number of ways. It must store a second matrix representing the accumulated inverse matrix. When a transformation command is given to the stack, it must also generate the inverse matrix for this transform and left multiply this into the accumulated inverse. The push/pop will have to push/pop the inverse matrix as well. It can use the same stack, so long as the pop function puts the two matrices in the proper places.

  • Implement the alternative attenuation described at the end of the section on attenuation.

GLSL Features of Note


A built-in OpenGL uniform defined for fragment shaders only. This uniform stores the parameters passed to glDepthRange. When those parameters change, all programs are automatically updated.

vec inversesqrt(vec x);

This function computes 1 / the square root of x. This is a component-wise computation, so vectors may be used. The return value will have the same type as x.

vec sqrt(vec x);

This function computes the square root of x. This is a component-wise computation, so vectors may be used. The return value will have the same type as x.